Forklift Technician
Job Position: Forklift Technician Job Description: United Arab Emirates - JOB DESCRIPTION [include principal accountability's, main job duties, number of employees reporting to the job, and if applicable, a simple organization chart on the reverse of this form] - MAIN JOB DUTIES: Troubleshoot, diagnose & identify causes of failure, perform mechanical repair of electric & diesel fork..lift engine, hydraulics & transmission. Perform repairs accurately by running computer based diagnostics on fork..lifts and the use of computerized test equipment & calibration devices. Perform overhaul & gearbox removal [aligning frames & gears], bearing & brake mechanical parts replacements [brake pad, brake disc, friction plate & magnetic disc brake] using appropriate equipment & hand tools. Perform preventive maintenance of machines [cleaning & lubrication, change of oil, filter & air cleaner elements] with the use of appropriate grease // solvents // ...