Field Service Technicain/ Serivce and technical Assistant

Job Position: Field Service Technicain/ Serivce and technical Assistant
Job Description: Daktronics - Dubai - Every day, in nearly 120 countries around the world, millions of people depend on Daktronics scoring and display systems for information and entertainment. Our displays provide vital travel information in airports and train stations and along highways. They advertise the price of gas, store specials, and more as you make your daily commute. They also enhance spectators' experiences at sporting events of all kinds, from minor league to the major leagues. Daktronics is recognized worldwide as a leader in the large electronic display industry. The company designs, manufactures, sells, and services a variety of display products in three primary markets: sports, commercial, and transportation. Technical Services provides services such as maintenance, training, and production for these display products. This position is located in our office in Dubai, UAE. The Dubai office provides coverage for te middle east, Africa and Eurasia region. The position is a highly service oriented position... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Field Service Technicain/ Serivce and technical Assistant maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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