Consultant - Enterprise Security Consulting and SI

Job Position: Consultant - Enterprise Security Consulting and SI
Job Description: Wipro - Dubai - Key skills required for the job are: Data Security Consulting-L1 (Mandatory) As a Consultant, you should have in-depth knowledge in any one technological or industry practice / functional area and overview of 2-3 other areas. You should handle solution definition/ fitment for a small sized project with a medium complexity. You should be able to build a custom Function Module with medium complexity program logic. Minimum work experience:5 - 8 Years Proficiency in English Language is Desirable Roles & Responsibilities: Minimum Experience Required: Mandatory Skills: Data Security Consulting Security Architecting, Security Consulting, Consulting Desirable Skills: Language Skills: English Language... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Consultant - Enterprise Security Consulting and SI maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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