Contract's Administrator/Customer Care Representative

Job Position: Contract's Administrator/Customer Care Representative
Job Description: XANADU REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT - Dubai - We are looking for energetic candidate for Contract's Administrator / Customer Care Representative position. This position is fully responsible to successfully execute, complete administrative works related to large-scale residential and commercial real estate projects. Job Description: Prepares Payment Plan in MS Excel for all clients (Revising and Updating) Prepares Sales and Purchase Agreement / Reservation Agreements with the clients Prepares Cancelation and Transfer Agreement as per client request Prepares approval letter for all client request for Transfer, Cancelation, and Discount Prepares Indemnity, Addendum, Undertaking letters Registers the new units in Land Department through Oqood System online Registers the canceled and transferred units in Oqood System online. Obtains client information by answering telephone calls; interviewing clients; verifying information. Answers inquiries by clarifying desired information; researching, locating, and providing inf... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Contract's Administrator/Customer Care Representative maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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