Financial Controller - Management Reporting

Job Position: Financial Controller - Management Reporting
Job Description: Webcor Group - Dubai - The incumbent has to produce Group Management Reporting and market intelligence by querying data repositories and generating periodic reports. Also, he/she should collect the group data and analyze to figure out the business and market trends in order to help increase Webcor group profit and efficiency. Be the lead finance project manager for the implementation of the Management Reporting (Business Intelligence software BOARD) working with key people across the Group to gather the requirements and ensure a smooth implementation. Gathers the data by mining the companies' data through Business Intelligence software (BOARD) and checking trends to help develop Webcor picture so it can improve and reduce costs. Owner of the management reporting, spends most of his/her time in analyzing the data and understanding it to then communicate reports to key stakeholders across the Group. Reconciliation of management reporting with statutory reporting. Works closely with the IT te... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Financial Controller - Management Reporting maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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