Functional Consultant- Microsoft Dynamics AX

Job Position: Functional Consultant- Microsoft Dynamics AX
Job Description: Spectrum Talent Management - Dubai - Main responsibilities: ?To assist in implementing the MS Dynamics AX Application. ?Working with business units to facilitate the implementation and support of all Dynamics AX projects of Finance and Project Accounting modules. ?Analyse the business process and operations work flow and come up with the proposals for process mapping in the MS Dynamics plat form. ?Document the agreed business process Mapping with the functional departments and get the approval of the Implementaiton project Head. ?Create the test scripts for MS Dynamics. ?Ensure that the best practices for coding pattern of AX is followed in the development. ?Rollout and support manage AX Finance Modules ?Organize the user acceptance Tests and document the necessary improvements. ?Provide an SOP or User manual to users whenever required. ?Continuously monitor the performance of the system and suggest various ways to improve whenever required. Act as the first point of contact for the users for any queries or oper... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Functional Consultant- Microsoft Dynamics AX maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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Marry Davis said…
Very well done. Absolutely brilliant information. I'm in love with this blog. they always provide such a great information. Microsoft Dynamics Recruiter

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