Institutional Performance Manager

Job Position: Institutional Performance Manager
Job Description: Abu Dhabi - Institutional Performance Manager Type: Location: , Job Summary Responsible for monitoring the implementation of HCT's institution- wide strategy in collaboration with academic and administrative leaders. Supports functions and campuses to properly implement and continuously adhere to frameworks, policies, processes, and procedures related to institutional performance management, initiative management, and change management. Key Responsibilities Educate, coach and assist leaders and relevant staff on the balanced scorecard methodology, and facilitate the development and cascading of balanced scorecards at different hierarchical levels of the organization. Design strategic and operational performance indicators to measure the institution's overall performance at different levels. Manage the performance reporting process to ensure accuracy, integrity and reliability of performance data. Measure and evaluate organizational performance against HCT's strategy, and recommend s... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Institutional Performance Manager maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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