Lawyer/ Legal adviser

Job Position: Lawyer/ Legal adviser
Job Description: Dubai - Role & Responsibilities: Attesting POAs, MOUs and MOAs from the competent authorities Independently responsible for assisting in legal administrative duties. Preparing lawsuits by researching material and literature required. Preparing notes and documenting data relating to lawsuits. Responsible for litigation section and dispute resolution. Researching the background of accused, witnesses and defendant. Researching old lawsuits which are similar to the case in hand. Laying the groundwork for the lawsuits and gathering base information. Preparing legal documents pertaining to filing the case in the court. Preparing briefs, appeals, memos, legal documents pertaining to real estate and acquisitions. Documenting details of different cases. Ensure compliance with all statutory or legal requirements. Formulate compliance checklists. Review and aware management on legal implications of internal policies and procedures. - Assisting in setting up companies in the UAE. - Responsible for registe... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Lawyer/ Legal adviser maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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