Lisp Engineer - $15/hr (Work from Home)

Job Position: Lisp Engineer - $15/hr (Work from Home)
Job Description: Crossover - Dubai - This position offers an excellent opportunity to be involved in development of industry-leading real time expert system and related products. The work involves design and development of new functionality and requires a hands-on product development approach. There is a lot of freedom and choice to develop solutions to interesting problems and build new features. Role and Responsibilities Work on product enhancements and bug fixes using JIRA with Agile methodology Take up prioritized customer issues and resolve them Break complex problems down into actionable solutions Identify root cause and come up with an approach to fix the issues Interact with team members on a regular basis and share any learnings with the team Skills Required Skills Lisp programming min 2 years of experience C/C++ programming using MS Visual Studio IDE Basic linux or unix skills including shell scripting Knowledge of rule engines and /or expert systems Strong understand... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Lisp Engineer - $15/hr (Work from Home) maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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