Marketing Manager - Home Furnishings

Job Position: Marketing Manager - Home Furnishings
Job Description: Quest Search & Selection - Dubai - About the Company Quest Search & Selection is currently working with a leading retail company in the Dubai and they are looking for an exceptional Marketing Manager. They key role is to manage all Marketing and PR activities relating to the Company's digital and eCommerce channels specifically in Home Furnishing Department. As the Marketing Manager - Home Furnishing, your responsibilities include: Overall management of the company's digital marketing strategy;Market research and customer satisfaction surveys relating to eCommerce trading;Overseeing all digital projection online via social media channels and website;To further improve the company's brand recognition in the GCC drive footfall to the groups digital stores and increase online revenue;Managing and analyzing all available data through analytics whilst maintaining updated databases;Organizing and following up shipment orders, liaise with eCommerce merchandisers;Keeping an updated Digital Retail calendar;Planning and deve... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Marketing Manager - Home Furnishings maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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