Planning Engineer

Job Position: Planning Engineer
Job Description: Grupo SanJose - Abu Dhabi - 1. Understand work scope, quantity and familiar with logical sequence in terms of engineering, manufacturing and construction disciplines. 2. Understand use of planning tools such as MS Excel, MS project, Primavera. 3. Develop and implement plan versus actual progress charts (histograms/ S curves). Reports and analysis deviations from plan. 4. Performs probabilistic analysis of site plan potential completion of project , progress, alternatives, expected deviation of ranges, risk and forecast progress for all site activities. 5. Develop work resources method and statement on base of strategical applications. 6. Understand contractual matter, earn value method, change control, incorporate of gathered information and familiarization of management scope and scheduling of breakdown structure plan. 7. Prepare cost estimation, schedule of bar chart, in puts and out puts, availability, deliberation, allocation of manpower, equipment and materials and construction sequences. 8. Ensure th... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Planning Engineer maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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