Product Manager - Equities, Wealth Management

Job Position: Product Manager - Equities, Wealth Management
Job Description: Standard Chartered Bank - Dubai - Key Roles & Responsibilities: Business Targets P&L management of respective product line Drive new business and strategic initiatives for the product line Drive product/investment metrics or KPI Portfolio Management of Product line Governance Owns and is responsible for Country Addendum (CA's) for the product - no product is to be in place without a CA. Ensure compliance to internal and external governance standards and regulatory requirements where applicable. Risk Management & Processes Responsible for overseeing end to end product process through the product life cycle. This includes soliciting for inputs, working with various teams, providing direction, stakeholder socialisation and finally providing business decision (where required) on the final outcome/decision on the process. Responsible for writing, presenting and obtaining relevant local/global PGC/ PAG and PRC approvals for process/product changes for the purpose of risk assessment and management Respo... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Product Manager - Equities, Wealth Management maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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