Senior Manager - Shari'a

Job Position: Senior Manager - Shari'a
Job Description: Noor Bank - Dubai - The Role: Work closely with different units in the group in order to provide Shari'a opinion and solutions and to ensure the products are in compliance with Shari'a rules and principles. In addition to performing Sharia trainings and periodic Shari'a Audit reviews on different departments in the Noor Investment Group and its Subsidiaries ( Noor Bank , Noor Takaful , Noor Awqaf and Noor Trade) Key Responsibilities: Provide guidance and assistance to fellow Sharia Managers within the Department in conducting their daily tasks, assignments, roles and responsibilities. Provide advice and direction regarding structures, process flows, legal documents and Shari'a issues arising in new product development initiatives. Review new legal documents and modifications to existing legal documentations of Noor Investment Group products including syndication deals to ensure compliance to the Shari'a requirements. Handle Shari'a queries from Noor Investment Group departments and disc... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Senior Manager - Shari'a maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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