VAT Specialist

Job Position: VAT Specialist
Job Description: UAE Trading - Dubai - UAE Trading Group is seeking a proactive VAT Specialist who will manage VAT implementation strategies and compliance, and will work closely with the Group's accounting and IT teams to coordinate tax return filings and other VAT-related matters. The potential VAT Specialist should possess an in-depth indirect tax technical knowledge and be able to demonstrate ability to identify and manage tax risks. The ideal candidate will act as the day-to-day contact between different departments with respect to VAT advisory matters and compliance. Duties and Responsibilities include: Compliance and accounting of VAT liabilities relating to the Group's operations. Managing VAT implementation strategies, executing VAT compliance, planning and internal procedures. Preparing, validating and submitting all required VAT returns, supporting schedules and any documentation/responses as may be required by the Federal Tax Authority. Implementation of VAT principles, policies and processes to ensure c... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for VAT Specialist maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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