Director, Strategy and Business Management

Job Position: Director, Strategy and Business Management
Job Description: Madison Pearl - Dubai - Key Responsibilities Work closely with the business lines to prepare country and business line strategies, integrating new ideas to develop the business and manage risks in the region. Participate actively in the strategic planning, budget and business review process by ensuring the targets / forecasts are in line with the country and business line strategies. Analyze the performance of the individual business lines vs the strategic plan and budget, suggest ideas and corrective measures where necessary and follow up agreed action plans. Provide market intelligence to senior management via monitoring of best practices observed with company’s peers, market trends and new development projects initiated by the bank in other locations. Lead on the approvals process vis-à-vis Head Office for all new products and activities to be launched locally Work closely with business lines in preparing the country limits proposal for the Middle East region. Prepare and update pitch books and oth... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Director, Strategy and Business Management maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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