Motorman -E

Job Position: Motorman -E
Job Description: Abu Dhabi Ports - United Arab Emirates - Job Title Motorman -E Unit Marine Services Unit Accountable To Chief Tug Master Responsible for Carry out the following in ports and waterways controlled and managed by ADPC: Ø Maintenance of ADPC Pilot Boats and other small crafts, as instructed. Ø Deal with the "vessel" facilities onboard, notably the sewage, navigational lighting, air-conditioning, and water systems. Ø Watch keeping duties. Ø Assist as and when necessary with maintenance activities onboard the vessels. Ø Assist with deck side operations and mooring whilst in port. Ø Under the guidance of the Skipper assist in the embarking and disembarking process of pilot to and from a moving vessel at sea. Ø Proactive during bunkering and refueling operations consistent with HSE ADPC guidelines. Ø Maintain mooring ropes & lighting equipment on board. Ø General Engine/Deck side activities, including cleaning, painting etc. Working Relationship Objectives and Role Profile Key Tasks and Performance Indicat... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

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Note: This advertisement for Motorman -E maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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