Specialist Orthodontist

Job Position: Specialist Orthodontist
Job Description: Clinic for Cosmetic Dentistry - Dubai - *Provide treatment for various forms of malocclusion and teeth irregularity *Perform diagnostic tests using x-rays and plaster molds to locate the position of a dental problem *Fit braces, brackets, and other teeth appliances in patients' mouth to correct teeth positioning *Ability to equip and adjust lingual braces according to patients' needs *Schedule routine check-ups to track treatment progress and adjust dental appliances as required *Proffer recommendations to patients on proper dental care and hygiene necessary *Work with orthodontist assistant to ensure patients receive adequate teeth care *Perform dentofacial orthopedics to improve the general appearance of patients *Determine if applied braces are due to be removed *Assist patients in resolving dental or oral problems such as speech impairments and gum disease *Develop treatment plans to address individual patient problem *Design and model teeth appliances such as retainers, lingual arch wires, and brac... - Permanent - Full-time
(For complete job details, check from the link below.)

Apply here: http://ift.tt/2mDUeGp

Note: This advertisement for Specialist Orthodontist maybe valid for one month from the date it was posted, so don't miss the chance and apply now!

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