Base Shaper to fit Gucci SOFT STIRRUP Custom Made Flame Polished Edges

Price: 25.99 USD

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Item: Base Shaper to fit Gucci SOFT STIRRUP Custom Made Flame Polished Edges

Price: 25.99 USD

Base Shaper for Gucci SOFT STIRRUP Bag. -Adds form to your Gucci by creating a solid and lightweight 'base' for your Soft Stirrup Bag. -Not made of interior cardboard like most other base shapers (would you really want 'cardboard' in your Gucci?).

Tags: Shop, eBay, Collectibles, elite, high-end, luxury,base,shaper,fit

Listing End Date/Time: 2022.08.25 22:23:26

Note: This offer is valid for limited-time only!


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