NEW Liu Jo - Borsa a mano Ecosostenibile Nuez - AA2131E0027 - NUEZ AUTHENTIC NWT
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Item: NEW Liu Jo – Borsa a mano Ecosostenibile Nuez – AA2131E0027 – NUEZ AUTHENTIC NWT
Price: 180.00 USD
Color Label: NUEZ. NEW Prada VS0305 9Z2 Saffiano Travel Borsa DA Viaggio Nero / F0002 Leather Brief. NEW Prada VS0088 9Z2 Saffiano Travel Borsa DA Viaggio Baltico / F0216 Calfskin B. Height: 22 cm. Length: 25 cm.
Tags: Shop, eBay, Collectibles, elite, high-end, luxury,nuez,new,liu
Listing End Date/Time: 2022.08.21 15:03:30
Note: This offer is valid for limited-time only!