PRADA Red Suede Sneaker Confortable Loafers 9.5 UK 10,5 - 11 US Ret $800

Price: 357.00 USD

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Item: PRADA Red Suede Sneaker Confortable Loafers 9.5 UK 10,5 – 11 US Ret $800

Price: 357.00 USD

PRADA Red Suede Sneaker Loafers size 9.5UK feel like 10,5 & my size 11 US feel comfortable. US Ret $800. Clean but There're some tears caused trying out by potential buyers at store. I bought at nordstorm mall

Tags: Shop, eBay, Collectibles, elite, high-end, luxury,prada,red,confortable

Listing End Date/Time: 2022.11.30 19:34:25

Note: This offer is valid for limited-time only!


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