Chanel knitted dress 34 S No.28349

Price: 1,132.69 USD

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Item: Chanel knitted dress 34 S No.28349

Price: 1,132.69 USD

A No noticeable scratches or stains There are scratches or stains that cannot be seen without looking closely. 62 10.5 U #22 62.8 20. 61 10~ T~U #21 61.8 19.7. 60 10 T #20 60.7 19.4. 59 9.5 S #19 59.7 19.

Tags: Shop, eBay, Collectibles, elite, high-end, luxury,chanel,knitted,dress

Listing End Date/Time: 1970.01.01 00:00:00

Note: This offer is valid for limited-time only!


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