Handbag Chic 200 Yrs of Designer Fashion - Collector ID Guide to Vintage Purses

Price: 49.95 USD

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Item: Handbag Chic 200 Yrs of Designer Fashion – Collector ID Guide to Vintage Purses

Price: 49.95 USD

Handbag Chic: 200 Years of Designer Fashion by Desire Smith. Book Title: Handbag Chic: 200 Years of Designer Fashion. You won't receive heavily thumbed shelf copies from us! We buy most titles directly from the publisher and individual authors.

Tags: Shop, eBay, Collectibles, elite, high-end, luxury,handbag,chic,yrs

Listing End Date/Time: 1970.01.01 00:00:00

Note: This offer is valid for limited-time only!


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